Six Weeks Later…Am I Being Hazed?

I keep looking for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and say I am being punked in my classroom. The first six weeks have caused my journal of my journey to have quite a few notes added to it. Here are a few:

“Never ever ever teach Watercolors and collages on a Harvest Full Moon week. Ever.”

“How creative can I get in separating students with these long tables? Seating chart #4 rolled out.”

“OVERPLAN all lessons by at least 25 minutes.”

“Plan better when painting.”

However, even with all the classroom management challenges, we accomplished a lot together, too! We/I survived our first art show and it was fantastic!! Our turnout was fabulous and these kids connected with their families and the community through their artwork. Soul = Full. ❤️

First parent teacher conferences were a success. I am learning everyday so that is a success! I think the kids are, too. A new student was inspired by our lessons on the element of art that is line. She created a beautiful canvas using food coloring! It was gorgeous and reminded me how much I have to learn from my students as well. I immediately put it on the wall front and center and proudly displayed it to each class! They all loved it and I loved the idea that she felt comfortable enough to help with the lessons by creating an actual showpiece of the material we are studying. 

These kids are smart. They are creative. They share fascinating details through their artwork and behavior. Definitely a whole brain teaching subject. I am trying some of these techniques for both the students and I to put their minds and mouths to good use!

The joys of working with kids is plentiful, and I cannot Lysol fast enough! One of my awesome students gave me a lovely stomach bug that showed up yesterday morning and I am just now beginning to feel like I am a little bit alive again. Airborne and Vitamin C are my friends, along with GermX and soap. #teacherlife

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